Vinovalie wines at the DutyFree shop at Toulouse Blagnac
Toulouse airport has renovated its duty free zone, the pre-boarding shop covers an area of 1,800 m2 and Vinovalie wines are a big part of it.__________
One of the largest French Duty Free shops in Toulouse
Also known as a sales counter, a Duty free shop ("free of tax" in English), is a store that does not apply the various taxes of the country in which it is located (VAT for example). This type of shop is most often installed in so-called "international" areas, such as airports and ports. The Duty Free shop at Toulouse Blagnac Airport offers the traditional range of zero-rated products, but it is also a showcase for Occitania's products and includes a delicatessen department, as well as local wines, perfumes and cosmetics.
Vinovalie's wines in the spotlight
Once past the security gates in Hall D, passengers will enter the brand-new Duty Free zone where they can discover the wines of the Ovalie winemakers in the "wine department".